Tuesday, March 29, 2011


This past weekend we traveled to our first flyball tournament.  The plan of the weekend was for Kiah to run warm ups.  This lets the green dogs get used to the tournament setting, get practice in but not be actually running so no pressure- no worries if they screw up. 

The good news was Kiah was really good and ended up actually running 2 heats in one of the final races on sunday.  Unfortunatly it was the one race we didn't get taped but we did get some pictures of her from warm ups.  She LOVED the weekend and came home pumped and wanting to go do more.  Our next tournament is planned for Mothers day weekend. 

Kiah was also awarded her FD title for the runs she did.  So Kiah is now Risk'n Hope's Almost Famous FD

Recalls on Sunday
not gunna touch that fence!
Practice run sunday
Kiah loves that ball! A huge thanks to Ashley from KAOS for the photos! 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bella practicing her rally

And yes that's kiah whining in the background.  She thinks she should be the only one being worked with.  I'll have to get some video of Kiah once she gets doing a bit more rally.

Bella has 1 month before her first competition.  She's got MOST of the things down for novice (must learn to stand) so that gives us lots of time hopefully to make it even better. 

Sorry it is a long video as i just taped the whole session. 

Another Custom Collar finished

This gorgeous purple collar is going to be on a pomeranian soon.  Very happy how this one turned out using some of our newest beads.  Purple and white swarovski crystals as well as two swarovski rondelles.  Purple florite, hematite and cat eye beads finish it off. 

Contact us today to make a special collar for your best friend!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Springs coming really it is

Today was warmer.  Ok no where near melting but now the sun is out later, and it's finally warming up.

Last weekend we headed up Sunday to the Prince Albert show.  We came home with lots of pretty ribbons 2 best of breeds.  Ok it would be more exciting if we weren't the only aussie.  But Kiah  behaved herself and we tries to remember how to do this show thing it's been a while.

And with spring I need to finalize my plans on what we are going to do this summer.  The plans for the dogs are as follows:
  • Flyball  we have about 10 tournaments planned for kiah to run at.  She will be going to her first tournament end of march and doing warm ups.  If all goes well she will start running part to full time through the summer. 
  • Rally O.  Yup I finally bit the bullet and made the decision.  Kiah is going to start working towards Rally O  novice title.  Yup the show dog is going to learn to sit :) 
  • Showing.  This will be on the back burner.  Our summer is so busy with flyball this year we will be thinknig about a few shows but will put flyball and obedience as our priority for 2011
  • Puppies!  We are looking at a fall litter for kiah  We are very excited about this- watch for more information this summer.  We are taking names for puppies so if you are interested please let me know. 
  • Rally Obedience.  Bella will be working towards her Novice title this summer.  We're hoping to do both CARO and CKC this summer/fall season.  She loves practicing and gets so into it- it's so fun to work with her
  • Flyball.  We're working on it.  Bella isn't sure if princesses are suposed to touch boxes and pick up dirty balls.  But boy racing over the jumps SURE is fun! 
  • flyball.  Jackson is special he has a lot of issues that put this boy on death row two years ago.  Flyball our goal isn't to get him running, it's not to get titles.  It's to give him something to work on, get him out around other dogs, and build his confidence
  • rally O.  Well maybe we'll try it- he gets stressed when kenneled.  This has been the biggest road hurdle in doing things with Jackson- he still is stressed around busy places.  He needs more work. With the news that he can compete in CARO with a thundershirt on we are tossing around the idea of working towards rally o for him.  When we adopted him i hoped he would be something the kids could run in flyball.  Maybe he'll be their Rally dog instead.  
Bodi- Well bodi's job is to stay home.  He's turning 13 this spring.  He's an old boy- getting a bit stiff here and there.  But he is finally happy and settled at the new house and has combated his seperation anxiety. N ow to just make it through firework/demolition season in Dundurn.  Hopefully this old man will be around for a few more years.