Friday, January 27, 2012

Counting down the days

The countdown has started with under 20 days to go.  Xray was done today and confirmed 8 puppies.

And of course our much needed weekly puppy belly pics

I think they are all sitting up in her ribcage at the moment- as that seems to have expanded the most

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Puppies confirmed

Kiah was a superstar at the vet today telling everyone that she wants to be a mom.  She made a new friend with a cute collie looking puppy in the waiting room.  She was quite concerned when he went into the exam room and made a few squeeks. 

Her pregnancy is confirmed, the vet counted 8 puppies "at least" via ultrasound.  Kiah had what was probably her last flyball practice before whelping last night and her harness had to be let out a couple inches to do up.  Someone's getting a tummy!

Now to build our whelping box- rearrange my bedroom to give her room for the first couple weeks.

Did i mention i must be insane? 8 puppies and all going to be 6-8 weeks old while i've got finals.  LOL way to time your heat cycles kiah!

4 weeks

Monday, January 9, 2012

Counting down... still

Saturday we're heading to the vet for Kiah's ultrasound.  Offically it confirms her pregnancy.

Her MDR-1 Results came back- and very happy they are normal/normal.  Although this was not a concern for this litter (Quade is also normal/normal) it is good to know for future breeding decisions.  Means this litter however will be completely clear for MDR-1!

Puppies are expected between Feb 16-20th.  We've had a couple spots open up on the wait list please contact me if your interested or fill out our questionnaire on the website.

Kiah has decided to be just like all them pregnant humans and take 'belly pics' weekly.  This is her 3 week shot