Monday, May 21, 2012

Doggy Camping and Puppies First Show and Token heads home

May Long weekend we headed to Regina to take part in the ASCA show. Token's new family met us in Regina Saturday to pick her up.  It worked out perfect with Regina a lot closer then Saskatoon.  Token has found the best family and is heading to be a small town dog who will learn to herd at the farm on the weekends! I foresee a very spoiled future for miss Token.

Puppies did very good at the show- met lots of people and got lots of new experiences which was our goal!  Hush got shown by Grandma Kelly Saturday and by myself Sunday.  Ruby by myself Saturday and by Zoe a Junior handler on Sunday.  Ruby wasn't too sure about this showing thing.  Saturday she thought it was fantastic- ALL THOSE TREATS on the ground! to heck with running with mom lets eat!  Hush won her class both days over ruby- because she decided both days that running around wasn't the end of the world.

Didn't get any pictures of the girls showing but here's some cute puppy shots from camping.  they were very well behaved camping.

Showing is exhausting!

Ruby hanging with Jillian

Bella's Photos from her Novice Title

We got our pictures from the fabulous Lisa @ Jumpstart Imagery. Thanks for taking such fabulous pics Lisa
Some nice heel work

Halt Down Walk Around

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bella Earns her RA title

This weekend Bella competed in her first CKC Rally trial.  She got 3 Q's out of 3 turns and earned high score in her class 2x!  Im very proud of her.  We did not do a lot of prep for this and have not really done any practice over the winter. 
Hopefully She can get her CARO novice title this year, and we'll start working towards Advanced, and the Obedience ring as well.

Bella with her Ribbons and Prizes from this weekend

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Puppy Play Time. 11 weeks old

11 weeks old tomorrow we only have 4 pups left in the house right now. Ryder starts his journey to the USA with his new family this weekend.