Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bella and some more agility videos

Bella is really enjoying agility. She does wish however her mom was a fair bit faster cuing her! It wears her right out- exercise mental and physical- what more can you ask for!

Thanks again to Aiden for keeping me company and videoing

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bella's Agility Adventure

Last month we started into Agility lessons with Bella.  She is absolutely loving it- (though that tire sorta made her think "why" for the first time this week). We have a few weeks left of classes and then a break until spring.

Here's a video of bella working the teeter.  This is the first the teeter has been high enough to really TIP she did really well with it.  (Ignore our bobble with the last jump- Teri and bag= treats the rest of the lesson so why not now? )

Thanks to my son Aiden for coming out and using his new playbook to get this video for me