Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What a Busy Weekend! Flyball and then our Herding Debut!

May brought us the first official tournament for Kiah.  She was given a part time slot on Furry Flash's Shot of Tequila team.  She ran 2 full races on Saturday and then 3 full races on Sunday.  We couldn't be more proud of her- she was awesome- super well behaved the entire time and only had one small bobble all weekend!

You could see the wheels turning in her head the entire time- Kiah is a thinker.
Kiah in warm ups

One of Kiah's races
And yes that pass was GIGANTIC woops my bad

Monday we headed out to Dog Tail Ranch  for our first herding lesson.  Kiah loved working the sheep and did very well.  Me? i'm still not sure what the heck I'm doing which is why we're taking lessons.  We're heading back again next week or so for another lesson and plan to do several this summer.

Video of Kiah with the sheep.  This goes right from when she was first let loose with them.  The last two clips are her second time in the pen with the sheep. 
We went with a friend and her Border Collie who had also never seen sheep before and it was really interesting seeing how the breeds differ when working the stock with no training. 

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