Sunday, August 14, 2011

a new personal best for Kiah!

We zipped down Sunday to join the rest of the Furry Flash gang for the last day of the KAOS Turning on the Heat Tournament.  This is the largest tournament I've ever been and had four lanes running!

Kiah ran part time as we just came down for the one day.  The last race we put her back in the start position.  I got some help on my timing and Kiah posted some great starts down under .010 (yeah us) and really put on the gas in this position resulting in her best time ever of 4.980!  that's almost .2 off her previous personal best.  She's starting to love racing and gives me dirty looks when it's not her turn.

We have a couple week break and then will be heading to Craven for a tournament for the long weekend in September and the Diamonds in the Ruff tournament the weekend after.  That will be the last tournament we are planning for as after that we'll be busy getting ready for puppies!

Of course after running only part time we had some energy to burn so back home we went and worked on some disc stuff

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