Monday, February 27, 2012

Sleepy puppies

Or maybe milk drunk puppies. They are so cute the positions they get into. How they roll right off the bed or off/onto each other and keep on snoozing. Today everyone got nails trimmed. The boys were much better behaved

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Morning time in the puppies world

Means naps or breakfast. I
Got my first snuggle in bed today with a puppy. They are also starting to use the potty area of the pen on occasion which is great

Friday, February 24, 2012

1 week old

So it brings us to another photoshoot.  I am going to try and photograph them weekly- although some weeks I'm lacking my helpers hands.  The kids are huge helpers with the puppies.

Everyone is growing like crazy and they are crawling machines now!

#1- female- black Tri- with minimal white- lots of copper on her legs but not much showing up on that head yet
#2 boy- brown ribbon- this is our "big boy" of the litter. 
#3- Fuchsia ribbon- Red bi?- so far she's the trouble maker of the litter!
#4- male- "little foot" Minimal white- looks to be a black Bi- no copper showing through yet
#5- female- pink ribbon- this is our flashy girl- black tri
#6- Male- green Ribbon looks to be a Black Bi
#7- female- minimal white on the face- just around the nose- i think she may end up a Bi color as im not seeing copper coming through yet

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Puppies are growing and sleeping and squeeking

Sometimes it sounds like a flock of seagulls has invaded my bedroom where the puppies are. Kiahs happy they get longer naps between nursing and comes out to visit and even gave me a few snuggles the last two nights. She doesn't like to stray far though and is still being an excellent mom. The puppies are growing like weeds with everyone packing a couple oz on a day on average. Personalities are starting to show trough a bit.

Most are looking to be tri colors but a couple are still lacking copper so I'm keeping close eyes on them!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Some shots of the puppies.

Taken thursday night here they are in order of their appearance to this world.  It's cute watching their personalities starting to come out already.

 #1.  Female-Black Tri Minimal white 

 #2 Male Black Tri

#3 Female -our first Redhead of the litter

#4 Male- Minimal white black Tri 

#5 Female- our flashiest girl 

#6 Male Flashy little boy

#7 Female- Red with Minimal White 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Puppies are here!

Seven healthy gorgeous pups came to us this morning.  Kiah was very generous letting me sleep abit last night before the action really started.
We have ended up with 7 puppies: 4 females and 3 males.  I'll get more pictures posted this weekend but here's a sneak peak of the newborn pics I quickly took today.

Kiah is being a fabulous attentive mother- quite gentle with the pups and really cares about them.  She had a great labor and I got to sit back and just watch the action.
newborns- is anything sweeter?
Keep watching for more pictures as they grow up.  We have some fabulous homes lining up for these pups but do have a couple spots left on the list. Please let us know if  your interested.