Friday, February 24, 2012

1 week old

So it brings us to another photoshoot.  I am going to try and photograph them weekly- although some weeks I'm lacking my helpers hands.  The kids are huge helpers with the puppies.

Everyone is growing like crazy and they are crawling machines now!

#1- female- black Tri- with minimal white- lots of copper on her legs but not much showing up on that head yet
#2 boy- brown ribbon- this is our "big boy" of the litter. 
#3- Fuchsia ribbon- Red bi?- so far she's the trouble maker of the litter!
#4- male- "little foot" Minimal white- looks to be a black Bi- no copper showing through yet
#5- female- pink ribbon- this is our flashy girl- black tri
#6- Male- green Ribbon looks to be a Black Bi
#7- female- minimal white on the face- just around the nose- i think she may end up a Bi color as im not seeing copper coming through yet

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